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Tubi con spirale in acciaio zincato_02.j

Polyurethane hoses

Deliverable with galvanized steel spiral, copper steel spiral and abs spiral

Rubber hoses

Deliverable for low, medium and hight pressure. Possibility to restrict hoses according to the client’s specifications.

Pvc hoses

Deliverable for low pressure, food, hydraulic oil and inert fluids transfer, ventilation, discharge, etc.

Pvc conveyor belts

Deliverable with width of up to 3000 mm and lenght over 200 m; possibility to apply boards, listels, guides or special profiles upon client’s request.

Rubber conveyor belts

Deliverable with width of up to 2000 mm and lenght over 200 m;

Possibility to apply boards, listels, guides or special profiles upon client’s request.

Rubber sheeting & matting

Deliverable with 1000/1200/1400/1500 mm height and lenght up to 10 m;

Possibility to apply boards, listels, guides or special profiles upon client’s request. Various blends: EPDM, Viton, SBR, natural rubber, NBR, CR, etc.

Deliverable with rough finish, galvanized steel, AISI 304 and AISI 316;

 Idler, grafted, monobloc and motorized.

Accessories for rubber conveyor belt

Rubber to rubber glue, both cold and hot; rubber to metal glue, scrapers, metallic splices, foils, rubber covers, various repair materials.

Rubber Claddings

We cover rolls, hoppers, metallic elements and other products according to the client’s specifications;

Possibility to product compounds with different hardnesses upon request.

Plastic items

 Deliverable the most part of common materials available on the market;

Possibility to produce various formats and different coloration.

Thermoforming materials

Deliverable in different thickness and open and closed cell foams. 

Rubber sheet soundproofing

Deliverable in different formats and thickness.

Drawing technicals items

Possibility to punch or to water jet cut of different shapes details according to client’s specifications.

Printed  technicals items

Printed technicals items

 Deliverable the most part of common materials available on the market;

Possibility to produce various formats and different coloration.

Polyurethane Items

 Possibility to product design details according to the client’s specifications;

We also cover rolls, bearings, metallic plates, etc.

Industriali Clamps

Collars ans clamps in variuos materials and in different band width.


Production of entire range available on the market;

Possibility to product a special hardnesses.

Customized items

Customized items

 Possibility to product design details with different hardnesses and different materials such as rubber, PVC, polyurethane, etc. according to client’s specifications.

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